Archive for January, 2015

A Look At Tanjung Offshore’s Warrants | BFM Podcast

The Morning Run Crew-31-Dec-14 10:43 Capping off a notable year for oil and gas, we take a look at the warrant for Tanjung Offshore following the news that the RTO with Bourbon has been called off due to the drop the share price. We also touch on Tan Sri Clement Hii selling off his SEGi […]

It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve | BFM Podcast

Salvatore Dali, Financial Blogger-31-Dec-14 13:05  We take a brief look into the possible conflicts of interest in the recent award of the New York casino licences involving Genting and the Lim family. Plus a look at more concrete measures to help mitigate the short and long term devastating effects of the recent floods in the […]

Property In-Review 2014 | BFM Podcast

Siva Shanker, President, Malaysia Institute of Estate Agents -29-Dec-14 10:35 In the first episode of our Breakfast Grille round-up for 2014, we look into property-related grilles that we have done for the year. The property industry was laden with government measures and policies as issues like affordable housing and curbing speculation come to the fore. […]